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Old Tue Jan 02, 2007, 01:06pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by Scrapper1
If the ball touches the backboard, instead of only the ring, then would the throw-in spot be on the endline?
Actually, that's a good question. It made me realize that my earlier answer was right, but for the wrong reason. (BTW, I now know that MTD's answer is also clearly incorrect.)

Originally Posted by Scrapper1
Oooo, right!! Throw-in!! I was trying to be clever and point out that touching the backboard is like touching the floor. But touching the floor wouldn't matter here, would it? Oops!!
That's why. I was using the wrong rule to justify my decision.
I was mistakenly thinking of the ball location requirement in 4-36-2a.
This part of the POI rule and thus the ball location rule 4-4-3 do NOT apply to this play because there is another rule which takes precedence. That rule is 4-36-2b. This is the correct rule to use.

Since the horn which caused the stoppage (and this particular horn does because it signals the expiration of time in a quarter, albeit incorrectly) went off prior to any player touching the ball all of this activity was during the throw-in. Therefore, we resume with the game with this throw-in despite the ball contacting the floor or the backboard and perhaps even the ring as none of those events end the throw-in. (Due to the wording of 4-4-5 and 4-13-1+2, there is room for debate about the ring, but I believe that it counts.)

If this play had taken place under slightly different circumstances then 4-4-3 and 4-36-2a may well be the correct rules to use. For example, if there were six seconds on the clock and Team B shoots a FT which bounces around on the ring and the timer incorrectly starts the clock at this point. When A1 rebounds the miss under the basket and throws a long pass down court, it would matter if the ball touches another player, the floor, the backboard, or maybe even the ring down there prior to the horn erroneously sounding. If it does then that is the location of the POI throw-in. However, if the horn sounds before the passed ball touches anything, then the throw-in would be from the nearest spot to where A1 was when he threw the pass.

Thanks for making me think this one out better, Scrapper/JR.
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