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Old Tue Jan 02, 2007, 08:26am
Scrapper1 Scrapper1 is offline
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Originally Posted by Nevadaref
The description in the OP is a little confusing. I took the sequence to be:
1. Thrower releases the ball
2. The ball bounces around on the ring
3. The players are jumping up, but unable to touch the ball.
4. The ball comes off the front of the ring and is falling down towards A2 when the horn sounds. The horn sounded PRIOR to A2 touching the ball.
5. A2 catches the ball and quickly tosses it into the basket.

If that is the proper sequence, then 4-4-3 applies and the POI is the spot of the original throw-in.
If the ball touches the backboard, instead of only the ring, then would the throw-in spot be on the endline?
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