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Old Mon Jan 01, 2007, 09:50am
a1umpire a1umpire is offline
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Originally Posted by BigUmp56
Lets say that you're working an OBR game. You have R1 and R3. It's the bottom of the last inning with two outs. Home team is down by two runs. F1 while in his motion hangs his knee and pauses before he delivers the pitch. Now, instead of using proper mechanics for a balk you first point to the pitcher and proclaim "time that's a balk." F1 delivers the ball to the plate where the batter takes it out of the park to deep center. Do you wait to see if the defense complains that you killed the ball before you disallow the runs and try to hide from your error, or do you eat it and end up dumping the offensive coach?

according to OBR rules it is a delay dead ball and is not inforced if all runners including the batterrunner advanc atleast one base,therefore it ruled a homerun
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