Originally posted by Oz Referee
What on earth does age have to do with respect?
If I am a 30 year old player, and the referee is only 20 should I grant them the same ammount of respect as the other official, who is 45? Damn right!
The only two things that have any relationship to the ammount of respect a person deserves is their position, and their behaviour.
An official demands a certain level of respect, regardless of their age.
A coach deserves a certain ammount of respect, regardless of age. BUT - if that coach's behaviour is out of line, then the ammount of respect they deserve falls.
As a referee that started at a young age (11) and is still reasonably young for the level of games that I do, I hate people that judge me on my age, rather than my ability.
I agree, the assitant was out of line, but Rut, so are you. Choose not to respect the player becuase of their attitude - never their age!
Sorry I do not agree. Age has everything to do with it. I am 29, I do not treat people that are 50 the same as I would someone that is 25. I was raised the you treat people that are older than you, especially people that were adults when I was a child. Maybe you were allowed to call the adults in your life by their first name, I was not. And with me being 29, I still refer to many of my friends parents as Mr or Mrs. I do not call my girlfriend's mother by her first name or any other women that I dated, and I will never call someone that is in a their senior (eg. aunt, uncle) and age matters then.
And when I was a kid, it was not even approved to call adults by their first name. And it definitely was not approved by my parents to say and do anything in front of adults. That is why this society is falling apart, the adults try to treat these children as adults. They are not. And I am not going to change that value. And if any kid wants to run his mouth, I will handle it or let the coach do so. I am not treating a teenager the same as someone that has lived much, much longer. That is not in my value system.
And that is why I never introduce myself as Jeff to any captain, I am Mr. Rutledge to them, because I will still show that respect to those adults and say the same to them and I am almost 30.
Coaches by the way are different. And coaches by position should be shown some respect, much more than assistant coaches. And coaches are adults, they do not have children coaching other children in HS. Players at the HS level, are not my peer in life or by position. And if this is suppose to be the extention of the classroom, I am not going to have any kid talk to me any kind of way. If they are not old enough to get a HS license in my state, they do not deserve more respect because they are a player.
[Edited by JRutledge on Feb 4th, 2002 at 12:37 AM]