Thread: Pay Fees
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Old Sun Dec 31, 2006, 05:39pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Connecticut Fees

Regular season basketball games under CIAC (Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference) control:
All two-man games:
Varsity boys and girls basketball: $ 79.87 per official per game.
Subvarsity boys and girls basketball: $ 51.77 per official per game.
150 % of fee if you happen to work a game by yourself.
No mileage fees.

The only three-man games that our local IAABO board does during the regualar season are games in the "Doc Hurley Classic", which raises money for college scholarships for high school seniors in the greater Hartford area. We donate our services for free to this "Classic".

I understand that the local IAABO board that covers New Haven County may do some regular season three-man games involving inner-city schools, but I'm not sure about their pay rate. I heard that the three-man crew divides the two, two-man checks, evenly, three ways, but don't quote me on this.

CIAC post-season tournament games are negotiated with the various officiating groups each year. Presently we use three-man crews in the quarterfinals, semifinals, and finals of all basketball (school population) divisions.

Our regular season fee increase every year is based on the average public school teacher's pay increase for the entire State of Connecticut, i.e. if the average pay increase for public school teachers in Connecticut is 2.5 %, our basketball officials' fee will increase by 2.5 %. We've been doing this for several years now and it has eliminated the contract negotitions that used to occur every few years. I believe that the fee increase guidelines apply to all CIAC sports, not just basketball.

Last edited by BillyMac; Sun Dec 31, 2006 at 08:39pm.
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