Thread: Shirt tucked in
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Old Fri Dec 29, 2006, 11:08pm
Mountaineer Mountaineer is offline
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Originally Posted by HawkeyeCubP
Do you direct someone to leave pre-game warm-ups for wearing an earring? No. You remind them it has to come out before they come in the game when they next get into the drill line in front of you. Do you direct someone to leave the pre-game warm-ups for having a brace made of hard, unyielding material, that is not properly covered? No. You take the issue up with the player/coach before the game starts, but you do not MAKE them stop warming up.

If one chooses to start enforcing uniform requirements during pre-game warm-ups, then so be it, but I do not think the Rule Book has any backing for it.
Actually for the instances you mentioned I would act on it immediately. The reason would be a safety issue - even for the player's teammates. If they have an earring in or a brace that is illegal someone on his or her team could be injured in warm ups so I would instruct them to remove the earring immediately and would immediately walk over to the coach with the player and discuss the brace. I do however agree with your logic, I just disagree with these illustrations.
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