Thread: Shirt tucked in
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Old Fri Dec 29, 2006, 08:57pm
FishinRef FishinRef is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 107
1) That's covered under UNIFORMS- rule 3-4-15 also. To be consistent, I would say that you would have to call it exactly the same as the "shirt-tuck" rule. And, again, if you are consistent, shouldn't both be called the whole game, including pre-game, on the bench, intermissions, etc.?

2) There's a completely different rule and philosophy covering these items. They are covered under EQUIPMENT, APPAREL in rule 3-5, and are banned completely. The items in 3-4-15 aren't banned but are supposed to be worn in a certain way. Iow, you're comparing apples vs. oranges rules-wise.
Yesterday 09:15pm
You bring up a valid point. I have never considered the rule 3-4-15 from that perspective. I'll have to ponder this one for a moment. I thought the shirt-tuck rule was intended for all players participating during a live ball. But the rule does not specify conditions or time periods for enforcement. So now, I could easily assume that the rule is in effect during the ENTIRE Official's jurisdiction. e.g. "including pre-game, on the bench, intermissions, etc.?"

Better yet, somebody get the NFHS on the phone, tell 'em we got a question.............
Don't call 'em all, just the ones that matter.

Last edited by FishinRef; Fri Dec 29, 2006 at 09:05pm.
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