I certainly can't tell you what the evaluation means to your UIC, or in your area. But, I can say that there is more than one school of thought regarding evaluations and relating it to the caliber of ball.
Being a completely effective umpire in a 12B tournament may be reason to be rated excellent; but, how does it relate to the umpire who is completely effective in 18 Gold? Apples and oranges; it is impossible to show that you can handle 18 Gold caliber of play in a 12B yournament, no matter how good you look.
So, should an evaluation be based on an absolute scale that says one rated "excellent" is capable of working effectively at any level, or should it be based on the ball being played, wherein you were excellent? I submit that the absolute scale should be adhered to; and that being excellent in 12B can't be a basis to be assigned to an 18 Gold Sector Qualifier. If that is how your UIC meant it, you were fairly evaluated.
Personally, I prefer evaluation forms with some added judgement, forcing an evaluator to judge if you should not call at that level, are effective at that level, or if you are capable of advancing beyond that level. That one item would help you understand the basis of the evaluation, if it is on an absolute scale, or just based on that level.