I guess what I am saying is the rule doesn't apply to pre-game warm-ups or bench personal. As stated (3-4-15) " A team jersey designed to be worn inside the pants/skirt shall be tucked inside the pants/skirt and the pants/skirt shall be above the hips and worn properly." It doesn't say when or where, but if a team member is representing a school I feel that it is appropriate for them to look and act respectfully. Would you let a team member wear their shorts with the waist down below their butt cheeks during warm-ups, or wear gold chains, rings, watches, ball caps, hair ribbons, multiple colored sweatbands, full length tights, and other such things? The uniform and how it is worn is again a Point Of Emphasis again this year, I feel that the pregame is a great time to emphasize the proper wearing of the uniform. As far as bench personnel, unless they are drawing undo attention to themselves I'm busy officiating a game. If they take the jersey off in the bench area and we see that then that is another story, for another thread.
Last edited by Ed Maeder; Fri Dec 29, 2006 at 04:24pm.