Fri Dec 29, 2006, 12:47pm
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Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Alton, Iowa
Posts: 1,796
Originally Posted by bigdogrunnin
Since the topic has been opened, had a game once where we gave SEVEN technical fouls. My partner gave SIX, I gave one.
First one was for dunking before the game.
Next one (#2), player from visiting team complains about a call (openly and loudly) to my partner.
Third one, visiting coach is all over my partner.
Fourth one, same player as second T; he yells at me, "call the foul B&*ch!" As he tried to split two set defenders. Yep, he got tossed.
Fifth one, visiting team coach is all over my partner again. He gets the heave-ho.
Sixth one, the assistant from the visiting team gets it after getting on my partner again.
Seventh one, the assistant from the visiting team gets the big "see ya!" Then proceeds to go after my partner. My partner then "escorts" this coach to the door. (I know, NOT recommended, but he "knew" what he was doing - yeah right.)
Visiting team has to finish the ENTIRE 4th quarter with a student-teacher intern as their "acting coach." The Head Coach, Assistant Coach, the Player, and about 20 parents are ALL waiting outside for us after the game. Let's just say I didn't stop to visit. My partner did though. I learned a lot about how NOT to handle games that night.
Private, "Christian" schools! Gotta love 'em! Oh yeah, and those "mistakes" that we ALL make . . . they happen. It is about how well you adjust and move on that will make the difference in the rest of your night. Have fun, and welcome to the board.
Cannot beleive the administration does not take care of these kinds of situations so they never happen again. Way out of hand!