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Old Fri Dec 29, 2006, 01:56am
LDUB LDUB is offline
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Originally Posted by missinglink
I start sweating from the second I lace up to about two hours after the game. It doesn't matter if it is a junior high cracker box gym or a college size floor, it is just my nature. Just like that other stuff, sweat runs down hill and pools in my shoes. Consequently, although my shoes are only a month old, they already smell like a teenage boy's closet. I remove the insoles and have tried Scholl's Foot powder and spray anti-fungals but the best I can say is they only dent the odor issue. Any smelly brethren with an answer out there?
The Scholl's powder works well, but you must use it for a period of time before you will notice any change. Eventually your shoes should smell fine, just give it some time. Also you could try some sort of antiperspirant on your feet, but I have no idea if that will work or not.
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