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Old Thu Dec 28, 2006, 11:36am
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Originally Posted by bigdogrunnin
Concurrently. I will try to find a rules reference, but I am sure someone else will beat me to it.

Try this . . . Players A1 and B1 are both injured on a play. Team A Coach requests a TO so his player can re-enter the game. Team B Coach does not. 15-second warning comes and goes. Team A is ready to play. Team B is ready to play, but player B1 is on the court. The official tells the Coach that B1 must come off as he/she was an injured player. Coach say, "there was a TO." Official says YOU have to request a TO for YOUR player to stay in the game. Team B Coach says, "Timeout."

1) Do you grant the TO?
2) Do you let player B1 re-enter at the conclusion of Team B's TO?
You may grant the TO, but B1 doesn't get to re-enter until the clock has properly run. Personally, I'd inform the coach of this little tidbit before granting the TO, and ask him if he wants it anyway.
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