Originally Posted by Mr Ray
Many years ago I umpired for several years in a teen league. There were two types of umpires. Those with navy blue uniforms, patches and their own gear. The other group ( myself included) wore blue jeans, t-shirts and went to the equipment shed for gear. The former group were few in number and very condescending to us "smittys" . They did not offer to help. They just barked and sneered and talked behind our backs. We "smittys" did the best we could under the circumstances. I quit in disgust. So, naturally I'm sensitive to elitist attitudes.
The uniform I'll be wearing will be exactly the same as the H.S. varsity umps in Virginia, even though I'll be working lower levels. Except for the raft. Hopefully my partners will understand my position on this until I feel comfortable enough to make the switch to the inside protector.
I tried on my new West Vest. I looked in the mirror. I saw many exposed body parts. Those same body parts disappear behind a raft. Its a confidence thing......
Do what you want. But look at it this way...if the "balloon" protector provided more protection than the inside protector, don't you think the boys at the MLB level (or any higher level) would be using them? Food for thought.