Originally Posted by BigUmp56
I would suggest that if you have any intentions of moving up to work higher levels of ball than the small diamond you leave the raft protector in the park equipment shed and use that new inside protector instead. I don't see why you'd want to have to re-learn how to work the plate when you do make the switch to the big diamond. I'm not sure if I know of a single official left in either association I belong to that still wears a beanie, so you may want to reconsider that as well.
I won't need to get into the park equipment shed, I already own a raft.
Why would I use a raft instead of an inside protector?
1) familiarity, I used it years ago. Learned how to move with it, swing it behind to write line-up changes , run to 3rd base etc. Using an inside protector would be where the re-learning occurs.
2) it's cooler during those hot summer days. Do I hear heat stroke anyone?
3) The #1 reason, better protection. The inside protector exposes hands, arms, upper leg, lower torso and groin. Will any association pay the bills if I miss work ?
I reserve the right to change my mind. That's partly why I bought the "cheap" West Vest. Both associations I contacted said it would be OK to use a raft. I would not be the lone ump doing it either, just in the minority. In my mind higher risk = higher reward. Money talks. Also, there is more than one way to skin a cat. Does an inside protector REALLY make you a better ump?
My feeling is that I should be able to choose the level of protection with which I feel comfortable at any level below professional. MLB can dictate. They pay well and if you get hurt b/c of a foul ball I'm sure you still get paid your regular salary without repercussions from your "other employer" . YMMV
Ray pres./ IBSC
Itty Bitty Smitty Committee