Levi Action Slacks (JC Penneys) worked very well for me when I started out. The Sears slacks are good too. Neither wore out after 5 years. Haggars suck.
Just starting out, the key is to look as good as possible. I've worn Puritan brand for everyday pants and haven't had a problem with them.
Take your gear with you to the store and try 'em on all geared up. One peeve of mine is guys who wear pants that are too narrow or too short in the leg. The pants look good at the plate, but go into a stance and the pants ride up the leg. Avoid that.
I wear Honigs combos on the plate and a reg. pair of his base slacks. Don't spend a lot of money to start. Get the basics and then upgrade a little each year.
Wal Mart buys: socks, belt, pants.