Originally Posted by Official99
Remember too that it is part of our responsibility as officials to ensure that there are the correct number of players. The reason the T is in the book in this case is in the event a player wasn't beckoned onto the court and came on anyway.
Wrong. There is a T in the book for this play (subs coming in during play). It's for a sub entering unbeckoned.
Originally Posted by Official99
I was always taught that it is the responsibility of the officials to ensure no team has an advantage or disadvantage (within the rules) of more than 5 players or less than 5 players.
I think you handled it correctly and the coach is going to have to live with the decision.
This is not our responsibility. The T is there because it's the coaches' responsibility. As a courtesy, we will try to hold the ball up to allow subs to enter and depart as required.