Originally Posted by german ump
Once the base runner has touched first base he has "acquired" it or is there a new rule. I'm a high school umpire and we were tought that you actually have to touch the bag. tibear actually said the batter/runner "...ran over the bag but NEVER touched the bag". That would not give him possesion of first base. When he abandons the base he is called out.
No, when the BR passes 1B he is considered to have 'acquired' the base and the defense is required to appeal the missed base.
FED still has the 'accidental' appeal in effect for this situation (at first base only):
2006 NFHS Case Book
Page 65
8.2.3 Situation:
B1 hits a slow roller to F5 and arrives safely but misses first base. F3 catches the ball with his foot off the base and casually steps on first base, though he believes the runner has beaten the throw.
B1 is out. Because a force play is being made on the runner and is the result of continuing action, F3 is required to appeal the missed base and does so by stepping on the missed base.
Notice the first sentence says "arrives safely but misses first base" and the last sentence "F3 is required to appeal the missed base"
I believe I'm correct is saying that other rule sets (e.g. OBR/NCAA) do not have the 'accidental' appeal.