Originally Posted by Texas Aggie
The main problem was they didn't have a scoreboard. Nor did they have a horn. I gave the girl doing the hand timing thing a whistle and told her to blow it when the time ran down. She did (I guess), but couldn't blow loud enough for anyone to hear. I had to look at her constantly when I thought we were getting close.
Originally Posted by bigdogrunnin
There is a HIGH SCHOOL in Louisiana (don't remember the name, sorry), that actually has POSTS INSIDE the playing boundaries. You have to avoid the posts while calling and playing the game. Private school, using a converted facility, but JEEZ, can you imagine the screens you can set?
There was one in Iowa, not too long ago, that had ceiling supports in the court as well.
My least favorite was (in Iowa again) working on a stage. Short court? Yes. Restraining lines? 3 of them. 8 feet off of one sideline the stage dropped down (about 4 feet) to the theater front row? Yes. To be fair, this was their "old" gym, and they had built a new one in the early '80's - but still used this for the nearby middle school.