Originally posted by Paul LeBoutillier
Originally posted by DrakeM
IMO this is not the kind of play that you should extend out of your area and call. Let the Rook live and die with it.
Yeh, but sometimes you're dying right along WITH him! I had a game a couple weeks ago with a first year ref who mentally wasn't all there. In two games he didn't make ONE CALL! The coaches were going ballistic. I was trying to be polite and not call out of my area, but it wasn't working and the game was getting rough. Finally I had to go to the coaches and tell them that I was going to be calling fouls all over the floor and to be patient with me. (Kinda that same speech you give the coaches when your partner stood you up and you're doing a single.) Thankfully it was a 7th grade boys game and not JV level.
Paul, the only question I have is why would you mention to the coaches you were increasing your court coverage? Doesn't that seem like you are impuining (sp?) the reputation of your partner further? I had an expierence similiar to that my first year. I didn't call a clearly 10 second violation that this leauge chose to employ (Wash. state rules don't have one by its governing body for girls). After a timeout a coach chose to howl over me and my partner responds,"Coach he is only a 1st year official I will handle it." It wasn't a pleasant expierance.
I don't mean to imply that your situation was as severe, but on the court don't you think we have an obligation to protect our partners, especially the less expieranced ones?