There is no doubt the baseball board is rough and tumble. Just about every thread of any substance (and some of no substance) degrade into various levels of flaming.
That thread is like a lady's debate society meeting compared with the stuff that was flying around last spring during the MiLB umpire's strike. On top of all the egos and class-structured put-downs was the union / non-union warfare, with accusations of being scabs, union thugs, etc., being thrown around. Quite entertaining in a car wreck sort of way.
There was even a seemingly mild-starting thread about ball bags recently (in which I posted a link to the bag the OP seemed to be asking about) that rapidly degenerated into a series of arguments back and forth about what "upper division" umpires would be caught dead wearing, where everything from elastic to tapered bags was deemed "small diamond" and where real umpires wore plate coats and didn't use a bag at all.