Originally Posted by Dakota
True, but in the specific situation presented, the conditional enforcement doesn't matter. If all runners advance safely at least one base, home wins. If not, enforce the CO and home wins.
But, your point is good... sometimes we (and more often, coaches) tend to get sidetracked by red herring issues, such as the argument made by the coach that the batter struck the mitt after the catcher had caught the ball. Doesn't matter, as long as the batter was attempting to strike the ball.
In the end, the correct result happened, but it seemed neither umpire completely understood the CO rule.
You are absolutely right, except my point was excellent, not good.
I'm usually more interested in the full rule and concept than the specific case, which is why I threw in the conditional enforcement. IOW, know the rule and see the rules picture, as these umpires did not. Also, just call what happens and let the results follow, w/o worrying about the game situation.