Thread: just checking
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Old Fri Feb 01, 2002, 12:38pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by BigJoe
I think that most of you are missing the boat on this subject. No one has mentioned the fact that the lead official who calls the foul for pushing on the rebound shouldn't be watching the shot in the first place much less watch the ball in flight and see if it goes through the basket. If you are doing all of that who is watching the rebounding action and post play. I see too many officials with "four eyes" on the ball and off ball coverage is forgotten or made by a glance here and there. If my partner ever made the argument of waiting to see if the basket was made before calling a foul on rebounding position, I doubt that I would work with him in the near future. Another point is consistancy in your calls. How can you justify calling the same play on one end a foul just because the basket wasn't made and on the other end let it go because of a made basket? I welcome any comments on my observations and thanks for the opportunity to make my point.
All oficials should be aware of the ball and it's status at all times. It's no different than a three-second call. You wouldn't want to whistle three-seconds while the ball was in the air or a shot was imminent.

As for the consistency: Play 1: A1 and B1 are running down the court when B1 bumps into A1. A1 is thrown off stride, but recovers and continues. Ruling: No call (I hope!)

Play 2: Dribbler A1 and B1 are moving down the court when B1 bumps into A1. A1 is thrown off stride, but recovers and continues: Ruling: Foul on B1.

Play 3: A1 and B1 are running down the court when B1 bumps into A1. A1 falls down. Ruling: Foul on B1.

Play 4: A1 and B1 are running down the court when B1 bumps into A1. A1 is thrown off stride and recovers, but can't reach a pass that was thrown to A1. Ruling: Foul on B1.

In the rebounding play: If the action is more like play 1, and a made basket, then I have no call. If the action is more like play 4 (which is the same action as play 1), but a missed basket, then I have a foul. IF the action is more like play 3, then I have a foul whether the basket was made(and I don't mean to imply that someone must hit the floor first).
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