Thread: Mr. Umpire
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Old Mon Dec 18, 2006, 06:43pm
SanDiegoSteve SanDiegoSteve is offline
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Originally Posted by Dave Hensley
As an uninvolved observer of this little exchange, I must say the most glaring and opinion-shaping omission to me is SDS's completely ignoring the fact that he initially denied that Garth ever offered to come meet him in San Diego ("You have a horrible memory. Garth never made any such offer."), and, when called on that inaccuracy in this thread, he has, again, completely ignored it, instead of owning up to being wrong in making that statement.

That kind of takes the statement in question from "inaccuracy" to "outright falsehood" in my book.
Okay Dave, just for your sake...

Let me address this once and for all:

Yes, I was wrong. I had forgotten about Garth offering to come watch me work at his own expense. When reminded of it by the posting of the old thread, it actually proved my point. Not only did I immediately respond to the offer, I provided a valid reason, not an excuse, of why it would not be possible. So to Mr. Umpire, I apologize for denying the offer, but your assessment of how I responded to it was wrong.

If Garth could have lined up a game for me to umpire, I would have gladly worked it. The fact that there were no games available for me to umpire prevented that from happening until the following January. Then, I decided to join a different association for 2006. There is a non-compete clause in the contract for the high school association here, so I could not be a member of both groups at once.

I also stated that I wasn't about to go to the desert and work myself into a heart attack just to prove anything to Garth. I am in no physical shape to put myself through something like that. Not to mention that I could not afford to make the trip. Garth only offered to pay the cost of the class if Jim Evans was impressed. He never said "all expenses paid" or I may have just took him up on it.

The bottom line is, Garth dismissed my assessment of my skills with haughty laughter, prior to any knowledge to the contrary. To me, that is rude and myopic. JMHO.