For accurate information and answers, you really need to check with your state's department that handles unemployment compensation. Each state handles it differently and that is your only reliable source for information. In your case, you would contact the State of Michigan Department of Economic Labor & Growth/Unemployment Insurance Agency. You can obtain the information that you seek online at or by calling 1-866-500-0017.
Schedule for filing by phone
...Based on last 2 digits
...of Social Security number
......................8:00 AM to................12:30 PM to.....
12:30 PM...................
4:30 PM.........
Thur..................................Open........ ..................
.............. All times shown are Eastern time................
Make sure that you get the correct answers to your questions BEFORE you work any volleyball matches so that you know what you are and are not allowed to do regarding claiming or not claiming the income from officiating.
Good Luck!