Thread: Throw-in ends
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Old Fri Dec 15, 2006, 07:51pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by Kelvin green
Looking closely at the wording in Rule 4, Rule 7, and Rule 9 I think there is something we missed as we discussed the "unannounced rule change) ...

They changed the wording in 4-42-5 (as aptly pointed out in previous thread) that states throw-in ends when ball is touched by player inbounds or out of bounds...
I pointed that out in post #17 of this thread:
Where is the Throw-in?

Originally Posted by Kelvin green
This would change the way we administer the AP arrow...

Previous to that change if Team A is throwing the ball in and it hit B (not A since it was a violation on A) who was standing OOB it was a violation on Team A because the rule stated it had to be touched by player inbounds...
That's not correct because 9-2-2 has included "or out of bounds" for years.
". . . Fail to pass the ball directly into the court from out-of-bound so it touches or is touched by another player (inbounds or out of bounds) on the court before going out of bounds untouched."
This means that the thrower did not violate a throw-in provision. So there was no violation on Team A in this case.

Due to the old wording of how a throw-in ended, there was a case to be made for allowing Team A to keep the arrow in the play which you describe, since previously the violation by Team B occurred during the throw-in and that throw-in did NOT end.

The change to 4-42-5 this season fixes that. The AP throw-in does end with the touch by the OOB opponent and the AP arrow is switched. The ensuing throw-in for Team A returns to the original spot per the current wording of the penalty section in 9-2.

Originally Posted by Kelvin green
We need to make sure we look at the whole context as to why the rule wording was changed They just carried that line over from Rule 4 to Rule 7 and 9... We cant read one line in a vaccuum.
I agree with your sentiment, but it looks to me like the words were carried in the other direction. They were in Rule 9 and now have been carried over to Rule 4.
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