Thread: Part 2 Help???
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Old Thu Dec 14, 2006, 01:54am
Daryl H. Long Daryl H. Long is offline
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Location: Jerry City, Ohio
Posts: 394
#5: Rule 6-4-3g. At point of interruption there is no team control because of the try. Only way to put the ball back in play is by using AP.

#14. You correctly cite rule 1-17. A grammer lesson is coming so beware.
Shall in the rule is used as an auxiliary verb which expresses an obligation.. That directly tells me it is a requirement.

Whether you can "infer" or not you will have to ask Rainmaker. She is the expert on the usage of that word.

(Maybe your confusion on these rules stems from "inferring" too much additional information into the question rather than taking the sentence at face value.)

#16 The specifications mention panels. Nowhere is there a specification of how many; no citation of a specific number required (ie. only 8 panels) nor is a range given (ie. between 8 and 12 panels). Therefore any number of panels is OK.

(You could try to argue that the answer is false since the ball may not have only 1 (one) panel but given the spherical shape required that logic would be faulty if such a ball cannot be made even if we wanted to.)

#35 Maybe the question is a little poorly written but here you are trying to nitpick too much. Your logic is that the leaving of the floor and approval of score happen simutaneously. If the final score is approved then the officials must a have left the confines of the playing area. Conversely, if the officials have left the confines then score is approved.

The word and in 2-4-4 links two equal phrases. Separating the phrases into sentences of their own we get the following.

The jusidiction of the officials is terminated when all officials leave the confines of the playing area.

The final score has been approved when all officials leave the confines of the playing area.

#62: What is equally as tricky is that in 10-3-7d you cannot find anything referring to a person with the ball either. It only refers to an opponent.

Opponent = a player on the other team.
5 = number of players on the other team.
1 = number of basketballs used in a game.

If opponents are in team control then
1 = maximum number of opponents in game that can possess the ball.
4 = maximun number of opponents without the ball.

Is the player with the ball my opponent? YES
Are the players without the ball my opponents? YES

conclusion: It is a Tecnical foul to pruposely obstruct the vision of an opponent with or without the ball.
(hint: also missing is any reference to offense/defense).
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