Thread: Ball Bags
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Old Tue Dec 12, 2006, 09:32pm
Tim C Tim C is offline
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I am afraid, that in your quest to fake as a "kid umpire", you have mistaken this entire issue.

Coaches "evaluate" umpires as they walk on the field. Ball bags, as with the remainder of your uniform, establish who you are (and sadly, your ability) before you call a pitch.

If you really feel "bags just hold balls" then your fake as persona is again exposed . . . we are, sadly, judged before we call a pitch . . . and (again) sadly everything from ball bags to clean pants make a difference in your advancement to success.

See, RATS, want anything to attack . . . we just need to redirect that to our performance . . .

Dress the part and you have one step up on the "others".

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