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Old Tue Dec 12, 2006, 04:28pm
PeteBooth PeteBooth is offline
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Location: Newburgh NY
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Originally Posted by JonathanSCS
I'm going to buy a pair of combo pants before the weekend is done, and I need you guys to let me know which ones to buy. Which online source, which style of pants, etc. should I get (considering current price, comfort, quality, fit, etc...all the factors)?

When it comes to bying pants, equipment, and accessories it boils down to one's pocket book.

If you are a member of an association and get paid "market" rates, then I would suggest bying the traditional plate / base pants because Combo pants are not really "Combo"

By that I mean this:

Suppose you are scheduled for a Double Header. Chances are you will bring at least 2 pairs of pants anyway, so the "Combo" Pants will act as a secondary pair the same as if you had plate / base pants to begin with.

If you are a Volunteer or get paid a minimal FEE, then by the Combo Pants. If you are assigned a Double Header do the bases the first game. That way you will still look professional behind the dish for the second game.

My personal preference is the Gerry Davis Pleated base pants and Plate pants.

Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth
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