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Old Tue Dec 12, 2006, 11:36am
Jurassic Referee Jurassic Referee is offline
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Originally Posted by Rich Fronheiser
We agree.

I work LOTS of baseball. In 2004 I had 12 ejections. In 2005 I had 2 ejections. Does that mean I'm six times better at communication in 2005?

Probably not, I had 6 ejections in 2006. Two during a beanball war, a college player calling me a homer, you know, the usual.

I am working at being the kinder and gentler Rich: The "kinder and gentler" Rich

However, I would've tossed this assistant.
Jmo, but I honestly feel that you just do what you think is gonna work best for that particular time in that particular game. There's no magic instructional manual that teaches you that you should do this in this particular situation- always. An identical act might mean a quiet warning in one game, but it also might mean an immediate "T" in another game with no warning. You just go with whatever feels right to you at that time. And then you don't second-guess yourself.

You know what I'm talking about, Rich....obviously
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