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Old Tue Dec 12, 2006, 11:01am
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Rich Rich is offline
Get away from me, Steve.
Join Date: Aug 2000
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
I think that you're setting a completely artificial goal that has got absolutely nothing to do with good game management, Larry. As officials, we react to the actions of coaches, players, etc. You're going to run into situations sometimes where you could be Sister Theresa and the coach is still gonna go off on you. Those situations could certainly come up more than three times a year also, and if they do, it's usually not because of something that you have done or not done as an official. Yes, there certainly are good game-management techniques that you can use to posibly cut down down on unsporting behavior. No, those techniques sureashell will not eliminate unsporting behavior. Some coaches and players need you to show them when to stop, and a technical foul sometimes is the only way to get that point across to them.

Calling technical fouls fouls does not mean that you're failing as an official, contrary to what some testicularly-challenged officials might believe. It simply means that someone is acting in an unsporting fashion, and you, as an official, are not going to allow that to continue. No more, no less. The technical foul penalty is in the rule book for a reason, and that reason is to deter and stop unsporting behavior.
We agree.

I work LOTS of baseball. In 2004 I had 12 ejections. In 2005 I had 2 ejections. Does that mean I'm six times better at communication in 2005?

Probably not, I had 6 ejections in 2006. Two during a beanball war, a college player calling me a homer, you know, the usual.

I am working at being the kinder and gentler Rich: The "kinder and gentler" Rich

However, I would've tossed this assistant.
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