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Old Tue Dec 12, 2006, 02:15am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by nukewhistle
This was a close girls varsity game late in the 4th qtr./10 team foul bonus in effect so the A team coach replaced the injured A1 player with a substitute during the time out requested after the foul/injury. I believe the coach wanted a substitute better free thrower. My partner the Ref would not allow the substitution that I allowed. It didn't seem right so that's why I'm asking the experts here.

So if the player is no longer injured at the end of the time-out and is ready to play, then your partner was right and that player takes the FTs. If A1 is unable to play due to the earlier injury, then the coach may substitute for the player and the substitute takes the FTs. In that case, you would be correct.

Unfortunately, there is a tremendous potential for abuse of this rule at the NFHS and NCAA levels.
The NBA insists that the player who was fouled attempt the FT, if a substitute must enter and take the shots then the original player is out for the remainder of the game.
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