Originally Posted by Tim C
Every year as we move into the new season someone brings forth the "UmpAttire" ball bag.
It is a very good bag for softball and small diamond umpires. I do not know of any upper divison umpires that wear the "UmpAttire" bag.
When not wearing a plate coat I always wear two ball bags.
I just like the "level" look of two bags.
Wear what you want and are comfortable with . . .
Just curious why you acknowledge that the UmpAttire bag is "very good" for softball and small diamond, but apparently not for "upper division". You mention the "level" look of two bags. Is the "UmpAttire" too large (it looks big in the images) to wear two of them, so it would only be worn on one side? Or is there some other factor that makes it not so good for upper level ball? Not trying to be contentious, just trying to understand the point you are making.