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Old Mon Dec 11, 2006, 08:38pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by tjones1
That terminology is what our RI has said and I also believe that’s how it was stated (or titled) in the Basketball Guide two years ago.
I don't recall what the NFHS Preseason Guide said. I'll have to go find mine and look. I can't speak to what your RI said, other than to state that if those are the words you used then he chose poorly.
However, I can tell you that it was not written that way in either 2002-03 or 2004-05 when the rule was first put in and then clarified. All of the references in the NFHS Rules Books, including the current rule 3-3-6 Note, say "keep" or "remain in the game".
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