Originally Posted by gotblue?
Waht if Combo pants fit you very well for working the plate (i.e., with shinguards on)? Wouldn't those look a little better-tailored than plate pants, which have extremely wide legs?
if you have combo pants that are the right length for doing the plate, then they might look alright. however, if your combo pants are the right length for the plate, they are probably too long on the bases.
i have big thighs and i work GD so those two wouldnt work well with any tighter pants than plate pants. the width you get from plate pants is a big benefit, and i dont think it looks bad at all unless they are too long. with the right length, plate pants will come down perfectly at your shoes and they wont ride up too high when you are in your plate stance.
Originally Posted by gotblue?
And what if you are going to do a double header at a field/facility where changing out of plate pants into base pants is extremely inconvenient? Wouldn't combo pants help you do your job better by not looking too outrageous (tree trunks) when you end up doing the bases?
ive never found a site that changing into plate pants is inconvenient. pop the trunk, pull down plate pants, pull up base pants, lets play 2.