Originally Posted by emtp
the key to this rule is that is says you "may" not "shall" stop play. This is all judgement. Every situation is different. "Words have meaning."
I noticed that wording too. But if it comes down to the word "may", then why have these words in the book at all? Why not just write, "the official may suspend play at his discretion?"
Originally Posted by DownTownTonyBrown
I also don't like the idea of forging a return to the forum after a several month hiatus and disagreeing with you twice in one day ... maybe I should wait until tomorrow.
I don't care if you agree or disagree with me. This is a discussion. I am seeking opinions in the hope of learning something. I value those on both sides.
Originally Posted by DownTownTonyBrown
Obviously an official could do whatever they felt fit the situation.
Actually, that's not at all obvious. There are rules in place which officials are required to follow, right? Afterall, that is part of the job. The crux of what we are probing here is what do the rules require of the officials in this situation?