In one of my first college games the ref (D-1 tournament ref) told the captains at the pre-game captain's conference that we as a crew would try and come to the captains if we had a problem with one of their teammates and that we expected the captain to take care of the problem so we didn't have to. He then told the captains that they didn't get the same break as their teammates because their teams had designated them as captain. He closed with we would take care of business without any warnings if the situation warranted it but then we'd expect the captain to help out so an ejection wouldn't have to occur. The captains acknowledged this and I've incorporated it into my captain's conferences no matter what the level. I've found that most captains have lived up to their duties when I've need them to (i.e. "hey captain, #32 is close to costing you guys in a big way"). I then look to see if the captain talks to #32. If so, great. If not, oh well we do what we have to do. I've also had some captain's say to me "he's/she's always a problem so do what you have to do". Preventive officiating.