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Old Thu Dec 07, 2006, 02:19pm
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Originally Posted by Smitty
I totally understand the scenario and I know that probably most people would call this a kick - I just don't see it clearly being so based on the wording of the NFHS rule. I didn't realize that the NCAA ruling actually referenced this exact scenario, so that would definitely make me lean more toward that way of thinking. It's difficult to back it up with an explanation based on that darn "striking" word, though, in a purely NFHS scenario. I would be much happier if they changed "striking" to "contacting". Thanks for the NCAA interpretation.
I should clarify, the NCAA interp addresses a loose ball situation. A1 squeezes the ball between his legs while B1 grabs it with his hands. This is, according to the ruling, a kicking violation on A1. In light of this and in the absence of an alternate ruling from the Fed, I have to interpret "striking" as "moving to contact."
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