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Old Tue Dec 05, 2006, 02:59pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by SWMOzebra
As a second year HS ref, this has been the source of endless confusion for me. I worked the Show-Me State games in Columbia, MO over the summer and watched what I thought were multiple BC violations go uncalled by more experienced officials (one worked state championship game a couple of years ago). When I asked, one told me that the defense had last touched the ball, so the offense could go into their BC and re-establish control with no penalty.

So, I'm at my mechanics clinic this fall and ask the head man giving the clinic how this could be...since team control doesn't end on an interrupted dribble. He essentially told me what I thought doesn't matter if the defense tips it away or not, team control doesn't change and it's a violation for the offense to retrieve the ball from BC.

Yet, I have hardly worked a game at any level (JH, freshman, or rec league) where some coach or fan thinks the NBA version is the only correct version. I rarely watch NBA, so now I see where the source of some of the confusion originates.
4 Requirements:

1) A has Team Control
2) The ball reaches the FC
3) A is the last to touch before the ball goes to the BC
4) A is the first to touch after the ball goes to the BC

3 Exceptions for airborne players

1) Jump Ball
2) Throw In
3) Defense
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