Tue Dec 05, 2006, 10:29am
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Texas
Posts: 762
Originally Posted by Texas Aggie
Jason, we aren't liable in a legal sense if someone gets injured, unless we are (probably grossly) negligent. You almost have to tell a coach something like, "stand here, and you won't get hurt; I promise" to be held negligent. The problem with someone asserting you didn't enforce a rule is, how do you define "enforce?" Is telling them once to get back enough? Do you have to physically push them back, and if so, every time they come out? Do you have to throw sideline warning, then infraction, flags on EVERY play they don't stay back on? Are they OK coming out on plays that don't end on their sideline?
There's a thousand questions to answer just like that. The bottom line is take care of business. If you need to warn, warn. If you need to flag, for either a warning or later for a foul, do so. But if a coach thinks they can sue an official for not enforcing a rule that coach broke, then they're crazy. That suit won't go anywhere in Texas.
I agree. Perhaps using the word liable wasn't what I intended. What I meant was I have seen officials do nothing with the sideline. They don't tell the coach anything. No warning, no nothing. Then when they turn up the field and run right into the coach in the 4th Qtr the flag comes flying. Heck the coach has been there all night. Like you said, a warning or a flag for an official warning but don't wait till the 4th Qtr to decide to clean it up. Get it cleaned up in the 1st Qtr.