Originally Posted by LMan
1) on a fly to right, the BU better be watching the catch, not what's going on the 3BL. So there's no chance of any 'double-calls'
Huh? Fly balls to right (outside the V) are the PU's responsibility...
on your play, how can the PU call the runner out if the ball is being caught in right field? If he's "begin tagged" then its Type A and you kill the play on the spot, no 'out' call, point him to the plate. If its Type B, you never had a chance to call him out to begin with, he scores (if the ball doesnt get to the plate before he crosses it).
Yes, i agree this is the correct way to handle the situation, but the problem is- you as the PU are watching the catch/no catch and the fair/foul and don't see the obstruction.
But others have made it clear that you can reverse your call after the fact.