Originally Posted by deecee
JR this is how I look at things and I get blasted here -- many POE's are guidelines for those that cannot handle simple situations. Most games are filled with simple situations its the tough situations that define a good official (judgement helps too).
game management to me is not how do I apply the rules as strictly as I can -- but rather how can I work with both coaches and the table in the confines of the rules where the game can be enjoyable and fair. One of my pet pevees -- because the coaching box and the fashion guidelines were huge POE's in our association this year -- is that the refs I work with only focus on THAT --
me: partner lets go meet the coaches
Partner: ok
Parnter: coach just want to mention that your have a 6 foot box and we don't want you out of it. Also make sure your players report to the table with uniforms tucked in, etc. blah blah blah.
Right there we have already lost our ability to work with the coach.
if it were me
Coach my name is _____ and this is my partner ______. good luck if you have any questions now is the best time to ask them. by the way coach we will need your help as we have been told that bench decorum is being addressed more this year than in years past and if you could please keep all movement in your coaches box. (if one isnt drawn out just request that he keeps his movement to about 4 chairs -- usually the first 4 on the bench). And that he can be the only one standing and addressing us.
simple little meeting and now the coach feels as though we WANT to work with him. You and I can say the samething but get completly different responses -- I make it seem like what the coach will be doing is voluntary by asking him nicely you on the other hand will be ordering him and right off the bat we will have a confrontational game.
How can you work "in the confines of the rules"when you advocate
ignoring the rules?
I look at it sometimes as more of a case of an official not having the balls to follow a POE and instead wanting to be Mr. Nice Guy to everybody, and thus is looking for any reason at all to use anything as an excuse for
not enforcing the rules properly.
I's say that we have a big difference in philosophy.