Thread: Free Throw
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Old Mon Dec 04, 2006, 03:04pm
Raymond Raymond is offline
Courageous When Prudent
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Hampton Roads, VA
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Originally Posted by Zoochy
Up to this point it seems that 4 have called a violation. Well, the other day I called the violation. While I had my (delay) hand out, I knew that I was going to catch grief from the coach if the free throw shooter missed. He did. Here is the play. Late in the close game both teams are shooting free throws. Team A is shooting a 2 shot foul. Team B is losing. I am the Trail (2 man game). B1 is in the last position near the shooter. As A1 gets the ball, B1 starts squeeking his shoes. 4 or 5 squeeks. It gets my attention. A1 makes the 1st throw. I am thinking.... deliberate or nervous??? He stops the squeeking while the ball is being retrieved. A1 gets the ball for the 2nd throw. B1 starts squeeking again. He doen't stop until A1 releases the ball. Free throw is missed. Tweet... violation. I go over to explain situation to Coach B. Quickly I explain that it is just like Clapping, Waving hands and Yelling "Box Out". His response.. "this is new to me". I walk away. I believe I made the right call. After the game I did not get much support from my partner.
Good call, but I think I would have said something to B1 after the 1st throw in hopes of preventing having to make a disconcertion call in the future.
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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