Thread: Minor elbow
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Old Tue Jan 29, 2002, 02:30pm
ronny mulkey ronny mulkey is offline
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disregard the contact/penalize the act

There is just something about an elbow being thrown at you. If I read your sitch correctly, you probably don't want to eject for this "minor elbow", but you feel that it is more than just a personal foul. A rule of thumb that I use: am I going to allow this "minor elbow" to happen 5 times from that player? And, 5 times from each other player on both teams? And, 5 times from each other substitute on both teams? If not, then I am going to disregard the contact and call a T for unsportsmanlike. No way, do I want this to happen all night. It doesn't make sense to me to call a T for throwing the bone, but only a personal if it connects. A technical gets that players' attention and all other team members from both teams. 2 of these will get that player ejected and whatever other penanlties that your state imposes. Works for me.

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