Originally Posted by tomegun
I don't understand your point of view on this one. Actually, I don't understand how that point of view can come from a forum that mostly criticizes the NBA.
Then maybe you should read some of my posts. Because my point of view doesn't come from the forum, IT COMES FROM ME!
I've watched the NBA for years. When Jordan was in the league I never missed a game. Bought a satellite system so that I could watch Sportschannel Chicago in the 80's. And although I don't watch 5 or 6 game a week like I once did, I do see at least a game a week and watch several games a week during the playoffs.
You've never seen me criticize NBA officials or the league. Rarely if ever do I criticize the players, unless their behavior is discussed in the forum, such as the Detroit-Indiana situation. I have criticized MR. CUBAN and will probably do so again. But don't throw me under the bus everyone else on the forum because the majority don't like the league.
Now, to the point of the question. The behavior of players has gotten out of hand. Who's fault is that? The NBA and David Stern's. They are now reigning that behavior back in. GOOD FOR THEM!!! Rasheed Wallace graduated from UNC. I've been a UNC fan since I was and I can tell you that Wallace is out of control and gets what deserves.
I don't believe there's a "zero" tolerance policy. That's mediaspeak. I've seen player's disagree with calls this season. But there's a right way and a wrong way to do it. It's always easier to tighten the screws and ease them later. And it will ease.
Now, I hope you have a better understanding of my point of view, even if you don't agree with it.