Thread: Jackets
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Old Tue Jan 29, 2002, 01:39pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by tharbert
I just moved to Illinois and found they (IHSA) don't have standard jackets. I've seen refs walk on the HS floor, one with a pull over nike wind breaker, the other with CCA. I agree it looks pretty tacky. We aren't there to draw attention to ourselves and wearing CCA to a HS game is just a form of bragging. If a coach sees it and says "you suck at this level too", will you tee him?

Now I have my choice! What's the best? I thought Sahara was OK until a couple of you guys thrashed my bubble. Anyone got a URL to a good on-line site? I'll have to get one and have the IHSA logo embroidered...
IF you want the IHSA logo, you have to go through Honig's (unless you can come up with someone to put it on for you).

I don't think you can get this from the Honig's web site. Call them at 1-800-468-3284
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