I'll agree sometimes coaches trainers ect dont use common sense. I am currently a senior. Needless to say this was my senior year and about halfway through the season i damaged the nerves in my back. Well I told the medical guys that I was playing and got back after one week off. Two games after my return I go and make a tackle on the sideline. Well a teamate came in over me and rolled my back wrong cutting the nerves even more. For you medical Persons it was the siatic nerve the one that controlls ur legs. Well I lost all motion in my legs . So I am sitting there. My teamates are yelling for the trainer, finnaly the ref goes over and apparently the team doctor said give him a sec his nerve will kick in. Well it didnt so the trainer finnaly carted me off. Unfortunatly that eneded my highschool career as well it took about 4 hours of iv and stuff in the ER to cut the swelling around the nerve to let it function a little and its time for surgery in the a few weeks to get it finnaly fixed. Can you guys do anything about that. I mean fortunatly for me I could not feel anything so I was not in Pain but it just aint right leaving someone on the field that long. What would you do.