Thread: Grant Time Out?
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Old Fri Dec 01, 2006, 12:30pm
Zoochy Zoochy is offline
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Location: St. Louis, Missouri
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Originally Posted by Nevadaref
All right, Zooch, fess up. Do you have some sort of list that someone compiled on all the differences between the NFHS and NCAA rules?

All of your recent posts are of this type. That's not bad, it's just noticeable.
Ha Ha... you funny.
I watch a lot of Basketball when I am not officiating. So, I see these plays and discuss them with other officials or I look them up in the book and try to find out if the officials were correct in their proceedures.
The last 3 plays, I have posted, occured in 1 game I watched just the other day. Inadvertent whistle, foul during throw-in and this Time out play. And all were applied incorrectly. I tried my best to discuss these plays, at the end of the game, with the 3 officials but, these guys were too good for me. They did not want to listen. Now I am going to look bad when they occur in my games and I apply them correctly. Coaches won't believe.
Now I have to send this thread to these 3 knuckleheads and show them the RIGHT way. Thanks for all the assistance .
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