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Old Fri Dec 01, 2006, 12:03pm
GarthB GarthB is offline
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Originally Posted by tibear
But with type B obstruction, you have to wait to see what happens sometimes many seconds later before you actually enforce the obstruction. With Interference you would be able tell within at most a couple of seconds if the interference affected the play.
(Sigh) last time.

First, I suggest you look up the definition of interference. Interference, by definition, affects the play. It may not always affect the result of the play, but it affects the play.

Second, if you'd read your own post a few times, perhaps you could see that you are proving the point of others, not your own.

One of the reasons we can correctly enforce type B is that we do allow the play to continue "many seconds" to see if the obstruction did indeed affect the play. We do not have to wait to see that with most interference. It affects the play immediately. (You might also want to find out what "play" means)

Again, because most interference affects the play IMMEDIATELY, we kill it and enforce the penalty. Because type B, again by defintion, (maybe you should also review obstruction) does not affect the play immediately, we do not.

I think it was Dave Hensley who once told me that when it's you against the world, 99% of the time, bet on the world. The rule is a good one. It serves it's intended purpose well. 99% of baseball understands it.
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