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Old Tue Jan 29, 2002, 08:45am
Brian Watson Brian Watson is offline
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Re: Caffeine loaded?

Originally posted by Suppref
Originally posted by Doug
fits right in there with "it's over the back reff, over the back!" Or the classic "watch the reach"
Half time, team b down 20, as they leave the floor for the lockerroom, team b coach is staring a whole right through me. So ok, I'll bite, I ask what the matter? He says " Supp, your killing me, you're the reason we're down 20." I reply," Sorry , coach, you are right, I missed all those lay ups and I turned it over 15 times. I'll try to do better in the second half." He smirks and says "very funny."
So I tell him," Coach , you should back off the caffeine before the game, it's not healthy." He actually chuckled and when he returned he apologized for being a jerk.

I don't advise that you try this at home, we are professionals!!
This isn't as good as the 20 second TO but it was funny.

I had a team run the 4 corners saturday night and killed the last minute and a half in the first and second quarters.

As the coach is walking off I yelled over to him to stop watching espn classic. He asked if I had watched the rerun of the UNC-Marqutte game, which I did. then he deadpans, "Wish I had someone like Phil Ford on this team..."
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