Originally Posted by just another ref
What about the old, blow the whistle and say, "Hey, kid, you can't do that,"
and give them a fresh 5 second count. Wouldn't that be better?
I see this as similar to 7-6-3 Note: The thrower shall have a minimum of
3 feet horizontally....... If the court is not marked.....an imaginary restraining line shall be imposed.......
You wouldn't call a T when the kid crossed this imaginary line, would you?
It's not something we should make a habit of, but sometimes you have to explain things, especially things like this which are not really specified in the book in the first place.
It depends upon the game situation, but I would likely not warn for knocking the ball away from the inbounder to be. I may well consider it to be unsporting. In any event, I must say that I would likely assess a T.
As for the restraining line: I would call a team delay of game warning for breaking the plane. Why? Because 1-2-2 says this, " This restraining line becomes the boundary line during a throw-in on that side or end, as in 7-6. It continues to be the boundary until the ball crosses the line."